Zoey Pepper is an ANU graduate with a B.MUS 2000 and M.MUS Performance 2008. Trained in bassoon and voice, she has since been a musical chameleon across various genres and musical employment. 

Zoey is an ARTS ACT grant recipient, has been Australian Guest Artist at the International Double Reed Festival, has worked with Opera Australia, Canberra Symphony Orchestra, Royal Military College Band and freelanced in Melbourne as bassoonist and vocalist for 10 years. 

 Since moving to Tilba on the NSW south coast in 2018, Zoey has been working as a freelance bassoonist, singer-songwriter and vocal teacher, performing regularly in various guises at Four Winds, Navigate Arts and at many local venues. Her quirky duo Stitch was awarded Australian National Busking Champions in 2020, with her their unique patchwork of jazz and pop covers. As part of the nationally funded Great Southern Nights touring program Zoey composed,scored and put together a show for her Oom Pah Pah ensemble, featuring original songs and mysterious arrangements that wowed a sell-out audience. More recently her new duo Singer In the Park has been charming audiences with a folk-pop fusion ranging from funky to sublime. She will be recording their first album later this year.