Born in Japan, Naoto Segawa picked up marimba as his instrument and embarked on his undying pursuit of discovering new marimba repertoires. He is dedicated to bring the marimba into chamber music scene, and his passion led him to found Ensemble Go which aims to bridge sound worlds of the traditional and the contemporary.
Naoto actively seeks to perform the works of up-and-coming composers, premiering many new compositions, including pieces by Joshua Pangilinan, David Taylor, Tsu-Chin Hsu, Kongmeng Liew and Simon Eastwood.
He has won numerous awards in competitions including the 14th KOBE International Music Competition, 6th Romania International Music Competition and JILA Music Competition and has appeared in various chamber music programmes and festivals including Adam Chamber Music Festival, Hong Kong new music academy and Asian Composer’s League Festival. Upcoming projects include a national tour throughout New Zealand presented by Chamber Music New Zealand, featuring a new work written by Linda Dallimore.